Welcome to Decoysales
Where you can sell your decoys - carvings online with your own Buy & Sell page where you can sell
How much
$5 a month or 6 months for $25
The main reason you may have come to my website is you are looking to buy some decoys or carvings or you have some decoys or carvings you would like to sell.
If you have decoys - carvings - crafts - paintings for sale you can list them on our website on www.decoysales.com and on www.worldofdecoys.com and each month it will also be listed in the World of Decoys Magazine at no extra cost where you can have your decoys - carvings for sale for only
$5 a month or 6 months for $25
It is as simple as sending me an email to
[email protected]
Click here
Where you can sell your decoys - carvings online with your own Buy & Sell page where you can sell
How much
$5 a month or 6 months for $25
The main reason you may have come to my website is you are looking to buy some decoys or carvings or you have some decoys or carvings you would like to sell.
If you have decoys - carvings - crafts - paintings for sale you can list them on our website on www.decoysales.com and on www.worldofdecoys.com and each month it will also be listed in the World of Decoys Magazine at no extra cost where you can have your decoys - carvings for sale for only
$5 a month or 6 months for $25
It is as simple as sending me an email to
[email protected]
Click here
What can you sell in the Buy & Sell
Carvings, decoys, crafts, paintings, Pyrography, or anything that you make.
Now you can sell all your carvings online all year round and not have to worry how the weather will be, won't have to travel, won't have to book hotel rooms and stay in the comforts of your home. With your own Buy & Sell page you can list ALL your carvings for only
$5 a month or 6 months for $25
Check it out now and see how you can start selling your carvings online TODAY
Click here
Carvings, decoys, crafts, paintings, Pyrography, or anything that you make.
Now you can sell all your carvings online all year round and not have to worry how the weather will be, won't have to travel, won't have to book hotel rooms and stay in the comforts of your home. With your own Buy & Sell page you can list ALL your carvings for only
$5 a month or 6 months for $25
Check it out now and see how you can start selling your carvings online TODAY
Click here
Send me an email at [email protected] to list your decoys or carvings.
To get listed send me the pictures of the items you want to sell
( No limits ) the price you are asking for them - your email address and your phone number . If you have a website or selling on Ebay or Etsy it doesn't matter you can still list it here . The only difference is with Ebay or Etsy you have to pay wither you sell or not , here it is only $5 a month or 6 months for $25 to list and if you sell you pay NO COMMISSIONS and you can list more carvings at any time at no extra cost.
Don't forget to leave a comment at the bottom of any page and you will be added to our email list .
Thank you
Visit the Buy & Sell page and add your carvings to the list .
Click here
To get listed send me the pictures of the items you want to sell
( No limits ) the price you are asking for them - your email address and your phone number . If you have a website or selling on Ebay or Etsy it doesn't matter you can still list it here . The only difference is with Ebay or Etsy you have to pay wither you sell or not , here it is only $5 a month or 6 months for $25 to list and if you sell you pay NO COMMISSIONS and you can list more carvings at any time at no extra cost.
Don't forget to leave a comment at the bottom of any page and you will be added to our email list .
Thank you
Visit the Buy & Sell page and add your carvings to the list .
Click here
Message to carvers
Looking for reference pictures for your next carving, check out our Information page.
We added a lot of reference pictures from birds worldwide.
click here
Looking for reference pictures for your next carving, check out our Information page.
We added a lot of reference pictures from birds worldwide.
click here
Thank you for visiting our website. Please tell your friends and family about us.
Just click on email address below and let us know how we can help you or Phone us at 985-532-5817 or email us at [email protected] Let us know if there is anything we can add. |